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首页 > 美洲新聞 > 洛杉磯


發佈時間:2023年03月03日 15:14 來源:美新社 评论:0條 點擊:1136次


美國洛杉磯華人聯誼會,創會於 1998 年,是一個非政治性,非宗教性之慈善組織。本會宗旨是,聯係在洛杉磯地區之華人,秉承中華文化忠恕之道,相互聯絡情誼,促進健康,加強身心愉悅,達到在美華人優質生活為最基本的宗旨。


美國洛杉磯華人聯誼會於 2023年3月8日舉辦疫情之後的第一次年會,地點在 888 海珍酒樓,下午 5 點開始有會員才藝展,紙雕,美侖美奐的書簽,書法家書法,以及會員的商展,有實用禮品贈送。有精彩的節目,鑼鼓喧天,舞蹈表演,古箏彈奏,歌劇演唱,及唱將卡拉 ok,更有現金大抽獎,憑票即可參加抽獎。適逢 3-8 婦女節,所有來參加的女士,有精美禮物贈送,美酒佳肴,餐券 $60。


購票請電:626-230-9345 莊 凰 會長。


敬祝身體健康 萬事如意!

理事長 賴德弘,監事長 張安柱,秘書長 洪雷明,財務長 關 美,
會 長 莊 凰,第一 副會長 石錦雯,第二副會長 洪瑜珍,及全體理事敬邀



25th Anniversary Gala on March 8, 2023, at 888 Seafood Restaurant located at 8450 Valley
Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770.

Dear leaders of the Overseas Chinese communities. And hello to everyone in the Chinese world.
Our Los Angeles Chinese Association was founded in 1998 It is a non-political, non-religious
benevolent organization dedicated to promoting Chinese culture and promoting both physical
and mental health to achieve a high quality of life for Chinese living in the United States. To
achieve this we promote activities such as piano, chess, calligraphy, and painting. We will also
offer singing, dancing, tourism, drama, photography, and other activities.

This annual meeting is our first since the Covid pandemic. We sincerely invite you to join us
and give your support and encouragement. Dinner ticket is $60.

Contact: (626-230-9345)

Best Wishes, and Stay Healthy!

Chairman of the Association, Mr. Andrew Lai,
Secretary-General of the Association, Mr. Andrew Cheung,
Financial Secretary, Hong Lei-ming,
Chairman of Finance, Miss Amy Kwan
President of the Association, Miss Zhuang Huang
First Vice-President, Miss Shi Jin-wen
Second Vice-President, Miss Hong Yu-Zhen

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