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哈崗學區公聽會 華裔團體反對哈崗永久游民中心

發佈時間:2023年06月09日 15:18 來源:美新社 评论:0條 點擊:5098次


【美新社訊】6月8日晚,哈崗學區公聽會上,哈崗華人協會會長 方孝偉律師與骨干成員們蒞臨現場發言,呼籲哈崗教委成員公開反對建立永久游民收容中心:7th Avenue Village。

哈崗華人協會會長 方孝偉律師(美新社资料照片)


哈崗華人協會會長 方孝偉律師在发言中指出,“哈崗學區目標第五條强調給學生及雇員安全的學校,在這裡就必须討論安全的問題。
1)有7個學校在Motel 6走路距離內,包括了Palm Elementary School,Los Robles Academy, Orange Grove Middle School, Montosuri, Lis Altos high School及La Puent High School。尤其是Palm Elementary School走路距離祇有0.3 miles,7分鐘,600步的距離有多近,學生及老師的安全如何保護。
2)Motel 6規劃有142個遊民,遊民常跟毒品及心理問題有關,如何保障學生的安全,如果不能保障學生安全跟學區第五條宗旨是背道而馳。
3)Motel 6離60號高速公路7街出口祇有90呎距離(走路一分鐘),如果遊民走上高速公路會造成多大的塞車,甚至可能造成人员傷亡,誰可以負責?這對哈岡、羅蘭崗、鑽石吧、核桃市、工業市及拉蓬地方是多嚴重的威脅。
4)哈崗祇分配到兩輛警車,警員不足,如何有能力處理142個遊民中心額外的業務量,所以Motel 6须要有额外的预算;如果没有预算,就不允许建立遊民中心。
5)哈崗居民没有人被通知Motel 6已經批准建立遊民中心,學區也沒有接到通知;對社區、學校安全這麼重要的議題居然沒有通知居民開公聽會,讓居民、民選官員及相關組織表達意見的機會,這是粗率、魯莽及不對的決定;我們覺得完全𣎴能接受。

Hacienda Heights/La Puente School District Goal #5 states school district will provide students and employees a safe, orderly and clean school. Here emphasis safety, let us discuss the safety issue in our schools.


1) There are 7 schools within the walking distance from Motel 6, which include Palm Elementary School, Los Robles Academy, Orange Grove Middle School, Montosuri, Los Altos High School and La Puente High School. Specially, Palm Elementary School walking distance from Mitel 6 is only 0.3 miles, 7 minutes walk away, only 600 hundred steps. How to protect the safety of students and teachers?


2) Homeless persons are found always related to drug and mental illness. Motel 6 designed to have 142 homeless persons live in, are they clearly present a potential risk in our schools. We said kids safety first, is that ironic to the goal of school district.


3) 90 feet away from Freeway 60 exit. Will homeless persons walk into Freeway 60, cause serious traffic jam, and what about homeless persons hit by high speed car, it is potential threat to Freeway 60, and it involve Hacienda Heights, Rowland Heights, Diamond Bar, Walnut, City of Industry and La Puente.


4) Hacienda Heights was assigned only 2 police cars and short of police personnels; how can police handle the additional instances caused by homeless persons live in the village。if Motel 6 does not have special budget for police, should not issue permit. In other words, no extra budget no permit.


5) Due process is being challenged, neighbors and friends in Hacienda Heights never get informed, there is no public hearing to express their opinion. Neither School board being informed motel 6 is converting to Homeless Center. 


What is School board position, residents are entitled to know. Please clearly express your position, parents and residents shall support School board to fight against County’s wrong decision about Motel 6 converting to Permanent Homeless Decision.






眾議員選民公聽會臨時取消 華人疑跟哈崗街友中心陳抗有關


知情權vs居住權 哈崗居民強烈反對建設永久遊民中心

哈岡設永久遊民中心? 華人轟縣府未先知會及配套措施不足

關鍵詞: 哈崗學區,哈崗永久游民中心,哈崗教委,哈崗華人協會,方孝偉律師

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