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蒙市除夕槍擊案 華埠服務中心可提供心理諮詢與輔導

發佈時間:2023年01月23日 09:15 來源:美新社 评论:0條 點擊:11448次


【美新社訊】洛杉磯蒙特利公園市(Monterery Park)突發除夕槍擊案,造成至少10人身亡10人受傷,震驚全美和華裔社區。對此,服務洛杉磯華裔社區超過50年的華埠服務中心發表以下聲明:



華埠服務中心(Chinatown Service Center, 簡稱CSC)針對春節除夕(1月21日)晚間在蒙特利公園市發生的槍擊案,深感震驚且遺憾。
CSC 與受害者及其家屬同在,我們的心理諮商團隊將提供即時諮詢與輔導,請致電213-808-1700,將有專人為您服務。

我們譴責暴力與仇恨,亦提醒所有朋友們保持警惕,並遵循執法單位指示。目前 CSC 已收到許多在地及海外團體朋友們的關心,這些支持,將促使我們的社區更加團結,共同度過這個難關。


Chinatown Service Center Statement - Mass Shooting in Monterey Park


We are devastated to hear the news of the Monterey Park shooting, especially amidst a time where families should be gathering to celebrate the coming of the Lunar New Year.

Our thoughts are with the victims and their families during this time.  Our behavioral health team has put together resources for coping with the incident and has services available on call to support our grieving community. *Please call us at 213-808-1700

In the meantime, please stay safe and follow all law enforcement safety guidance.  Our hearts are lifted to see the community come together and support the victims and their families not only here locally, but also overseas.

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