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LOS ANGELES, CA, September 8, 2021, – On Wednesday, September 8th, 2021 at 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm pacific time, HG Plus co-hosted the Asia Pacific & International Students Virtual Career Fair with the USC Career Center and USC China Career Services.  Over 60 recruiting companies and 1170 USC students gathered virtually for an international student fob fair targeting students from China. 


加利福尼亚州洛杉矶,2021 年 9 月 8 日,– 太平洋时间 2021 年 9 月 8 日星期三晚上 6:00 - 10:00,HG Plus 与南加州大学就业中心和 南加大中国就业服务中心共同举办了亚太&国际学生线上招聘博览会 。 超过 60 家招聘公司和1170名南加州大学生齐聚一堂,参加此次针对中国学生的国际职业招聘会。


The Covid19 pandemic has changed the lives of students and employers alike, even changing the way companies think about work. To protect staff, employers have taken many steps to ensure health and safety, including virtual work protocols for many teams. 


新冠疫情改变了学生和雇主的生活,甚至改变了公司对工作的看法。 为了保护员工,雇主采取了许多措施来确保员工的健康和安全,比如多团队的线上工作规定。


This Fall’s career fair also occurred virtually through an online career fair platform called Brazen. The format of the event is similar to an in person career fair: employers decorate a virtual booth that provides company information and details about open jobs. Students can browse through the 60 plus employers and decide to which companies they would like to submit a resume. Job seeking students submit a resume and wait in line virtually to text and video chat with recruiting employers.


此次秋季的招聘会也是通过一个名为 Brazen 的在线招聘会平台线上举办的。 活动的形式类似于面对面的招聘会:雇主设置一个线上虚拟展位,提供公司信息和有关空缺职位的详细信息。 学生可以浏览 60 多个雇主并决定他们想要向哪些公司提交简历。 求职学生提交简历并线上排队等待与招聘雇主进行文本和视频聊天。


“Despite all the challenges we face in hosting an event at this time, we can’t wait for circumstances to be perfect to continue helping students find jobs. Students will continue to graduate, and luckily companies are continuing to hire.” Says Angela Efros, the Vice President of Business Development for HG Plus, a career platform and recruiting firm that devotes its resources to helping international students at U.S. universities to find suitable job and internship opportunities to further their careers. HG Plus has been partnering with USC since 2017 on their mission of helping international students succeed in their career goals. 


“尽管我们此时在举办活动时面临着很多挑战,但我们迫不及待地希望大环境变得完美,继续帮助学生找到工作。 学生们会继续毕业,幸运的是公司也会继续招聘。” HG Plus 业务发展副总裁 Angela Efros 说,HG Plus 是一家职业平台和招聘公司,致力于帮助美国大学的国际学生找到合适的工作和实习机会,以进一步发展自己的职业生涯。 自 2017 年以来,HG Plus 一直与南加州大学合作,其使命是帮助国际学生实现职业目标。


Online career fairs have been around for many years, with platforms like Brazen being used by online schools or for recruiting outreach to people in the military. Post pandemic, the virtual career fair provides a safe, and cost effective option for students and employers to connect. For employers, these virtual events are more efficient than in person career fairs. Employers can connect with a larger pool of candidates in a shorter time, accelerating the time to find the right fit for your open roles.


在线招聘会已经存在多年,在线学校使用 Brazen 等平台为军队招募外展人员。 疫情大流行后,线上招聘会为学生和雇主提供了一种安全且具有成本效益的交互方式。 对于雇主来说,这些线上活动比面对面的招聘会更有效率。 雇主可以在更短的时间内与更多的候选人建立联系,从而加快找到适合的雇员。


There are benefits to students too. With the online model, companies can participate from all over the world, and students can wait in line for more than one company at the same time. 


这种方式对学生也有好处。 在线模式下,世界各地的公司都可以参与,学生可以同时排队等候不止一家公司。


“The USC Career Center is excited to co-host its annual Asia Pacific & International Students Virtual Career Fair with USC China Career Services and HG Plus. The fair was open to USC international students from all class years, majors, and degree levels. Domestic and global employers from a variety of industries attended, including Accenture, Bloomberg, ByteDance, Deloitte, L'Oréal, Netease Games, PepsiCo, Sony Group, and many more,” said Jennifer H. Kim, Esq., Director of Employer Engagement at the USC Career Center.


“南加州大学就业中心很高兴能与南加州大学中国就业服务中心和 HG Plus 共同举办一年一度的亚太及国际学生线上就业博览会。 展会对所有年级、专业和学位水平的南加州大学学生开放。 众多行业的国内外雇主参加了此次招聘活动,比如埃森哲、彭博、字节跳动、德勤、欧莱雅、网易游戏、百事可乐、索尼集团,还有更多。” 南加大就业中心招聘总监 Jennifer H. Kim 如是说。


HG Plus offers its appreciation to the sponsors who made this event possible: ATL USA Inc, iMEBO,and Henry Group. 

HG Plus 对促成此次活动的赞助商安泰乐集团, iMEBO,和亨瑞集团表示感谢。


Founded in 2012, ATL USA Inc is a multinational enterprise focusing in the field of life care providing professional one-stop service for the design, decoration, and management of life memorials. Miss Pan, the CEO of ATL USA Inc. wished all participants well saying, “Respect life, appreciate the world and pass on culture."




iMEBO was launched by MEBO International, which specializes in human body regenerative and restoration science. iMebo is an international mobile shopping mall providing regenerative products from all over the world. Dr. Li Li, Vice Chairman of the Board of Director of MEBO said, “We remain true to our original vision to benefit the world with regenerative life science.”


iMEBO 是由专门研究再生医学与创面修复学的MEBO国际集团推出。iMEBO是一家国际线上商城,为世界各地提供再生产品。MEBO副董事长Li Li博士表示:“ 不忘初心, 以再生生命科学造福世界。”


Henry Group is a leading immigration brand, dedicated to creating value for its clients and partners by providing comprehensive services for their family assets management and educational goals.




“Thank you for supporting the USC international students and helping us make this years’ event a success,” Efros said.  

“感谢您支持南加州大学的国际学生,并帮助我们使今年的活动取得成功。” Efros说。

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