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發佈時間:2021年06月14日 13:01 來源:美新社 评论:0條 點擊:2610次

The pandemic is almost over, and we can see a lot of changes already happening for business owners. This period was marked by several changes in Health Care, Relief Programs, and The Majority of Relief in 2020’s Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act expired on the last day of 2020; However, new legislation followed.



變化主要集中在醫療、救援計劃,2020年《家庭首次家庭冠狀病毒應對法案》 (FFCRA) 中的大多數救援、以及《冠狀病毒援助、救濟和經濟安全法案》 (CARES) 在2020年最後一天截止,並且新的法案也緊隨其後。

EPIA Inc. wants to invite you to attend our once-a-year CE Online Class for HRCI + SHRM “The Pandemic is almost over! What now? Must-do's of Summer '21 for Business Owners". A very rare opportunity to receive free CE credits while getting the most important up-to-date information in easy-to-understand language. We welcome all HR Human Resource professionals + Employers to take advantage of this opportunity! You also get a chance to win cash prizes in the class.

EPIA Inc. 誠摯的邀請您參加我們為HRCI + SHRM舉辦的一年一度的CE線上課程,“新冠肺炎疫情即將結束!現在應該做什麼?雇主2021年夏季必做之事”。


這是一次獲得免費的CE學分非常難得的機會,同時以通俗易懂的方式獲得重要的最新資訊。我們歡迎所有人力資源專業人士 + 雇主把握這個機會!您還有機會在課堂上贏取現金獎勵。

Join us on July 1st at 10 am, with our special guest Paul Roberts, Accredited SHRM CE Director of Education and Market Development, who will focus on educating participants and analyze thoroughly Health Care changes in response to COVID-19. You will have a deep understanding of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act, encompassing 2021 options and/or requirements for , Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts, and Premium Only Plans (POPs). Other topics include the Paycheck Protection Program, Employer Credits for paid sick and Family-Leave time, and the Employee Retention tax credit.

在7月1日上午10點,請大家與我們的特邀嘉賓Paul Roberts一起參加我們的課程。


Paul Roberts是美國人力資源管理協會(SHRM)認證的教育和市場開發CE總監,他將傳授大家,並全面分析如何應對新冠肺炎的醫療保健變化。您將深入了解《美國救援計劃法案》(ARP),其中包括2021年受扶養人靈活支出賬戶,和僅保費計劃 (POP) 的選項和/或要求。其他主題還包括薪資保護計劃,帶薪病假和家庭休假的雇主稅額抵免,以及員工保留稅收抵免計劃。




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