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發佈時間:2017年02月27日 01:43 來源:star 评论:0條 點擊:1724次
拍摄日期为1月21,22,28,29最多4天。拍摄之前会有一个production meeting在1月19号周四上午,大概一个小时。拍摄地点位USC校园内。不需要有太多演戏经验,有感兴趣演戏的都可以来试镜,请联系usccastingjc@gamil.com询问具体试镜时间。短片后期会投一些电影节。
The Mother’s Life or The Baby’s Life is about a Chinese family faced with an impossible choice after a family member goes into difficult labour. Each family member has their own opinion and argument whether to save the Mother’s life or the Baby’s life.
故事的背景在一个架空的世界,男女的社会角色颠倒了。婉婷的老公终于怀上了一个女儿,但是在生产的时候遇到了难产。生说大人和孩子只能保一个,所以婉婷和家人需要决定保大人还是保 孩子。

The Wang Family
Horan Wang (20-40): Wanting’s younger brother. He he has a very low self esteem and feels he has a low status within the family. He is very respectful towards his Mother and Sister.
王浩然: 王婉婷的弟弟。有些市侩的小男人,从小受家庭文化影响觉得女子就是比男子尊贵。非常尊重妈妈和姐姐。

Wanting Wang (20-40): Ziming Zhang’s wife. She works really hard to provide for the family. She is the only daughter in Wang’s family, so she really wants a daughter to be her heiress. She acts confident and tough but in actuality is very uncertain of herself.
王婉婷: 与张子鸣是夫妻并生育了两个儿子。有些大女子主义,是家中的顶梁柱,工作十分繁忙。家里三代单传的女孩,所以十分想要一个女孩来延续王家的香火。看起来又很主见,实际上并不是一个很有主意的人。

Mr. Wang (45+): Father of the Wang family. He respects his wife and daughter. He blames his son-in-law for the fact that they never managed to have a daughter which is the only thing he has ever wanted for Wanting.
王爸爸: 在家很听老伴的话。非常看重女儿。因为女婿迟迟没有给家里省下女孩而对他抱有埋怨。十分希望女儿早日得女。

Mrs. Wang (45+): The Mother of the Wang family, and the head of the household. A strong person whose opinion always carries weight. She is a calm and reliable rock to the whole family.
王妈妈: 王家说话最有分量的一个人。性格比较沉稳。大女子主义,非常重女轻男。

The Zhang Family
Ziming Zhang (20-40): Wanting’s husband. He is very uncertain of himself. He has difficulties making hard decisions.
张子鸣: 与王婉婷是夫妻。有些大男子主义,是家中的顶梁柱,工作十分繁忙。本身做事不果断,但是在梦中看到的事情让他变得更有主见了一些。

Yuxin Zhang (20-40): Ziming’s elder sister, and the head of the household of the Zhang family. She cares about her Father and Brother very much. She is always taking a high and mighty tone when talking to others, especially Wanting.
张雨欣: 张子鸣的姐姐。张家的当家人。盛气凌人。非常疼爱自己的弟弟,对弟妹一家抱有一点偏见,觉得弟妹一家对自己的弟弟不够好。

Mr. Zhang (45+): Father of Zhang family. He always listens to his daughter and has no definite views of his own. The most important people for him are his two children.
张爸爸: 老伴早亡,跟儿女一起生活的老人。没有主见,比较依赖女儿。对他来说儿女是最重要的。

關鍵詞: USC电影学院研究生电影短片招演员


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