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11月23日 華埠服務中心免費秋季健康博覽會 豐富抽獎送感恩節火雞

發佈時間:2019年11月22日 06:40 來源:美新社 评论:0條 點擊:1191次

華埠服務中心「免費秋季健康博覽會 HARVEST HEALTH FAIR (FREE)」豐富抽獎送贈感恩節火雞

·地點:華埠服務中心, 767 N. Hill St., Los Angeles, CA 90012

·日期:20191123日 (星期六)

·時間:8am -12pm




·兩場免費健康講座:早上915San Gabriel Retina糖尿病與眼睛健康講座」及1015分由Alzheimer's Los Angeles主持的「阿滋海默症講座」。


華埠服務中心舉辦之秋季健康博覽會將設有有十多個健康生活及社區團體攤位,如提供贊助的研究生物製藥公司 (AbbVie) 醫療中心 (AltaMed)、阿滋海默症洛衫磯(Alzheimer's Los Angeles)美國心臟協會 (American Heart Association)洛衫磯縣勞動力發展、老齡化和社區服務部門(Los Angeles County Dept. of Workforce Development, Aging, and Community Services)及人口普查局(US Census Bureau)等參與。 

健康保健博覽會為民眾免費提供資訊、基本醫療檢查服務、更有各種社會服務諮詢;免費加州全保及公民入籍諮詢等服務。期間還有免費抽獎活動,奬品豐富包括感恩節火雞。兩場免費健康講座:早上915分由San Gabriel Retina主持「糖尿病與眼睛健康講座」及1015分由Alzheimer's Los Angeles主持的「阿滋海默症講座」。 

You are invited to join our HARVEST HEALTH FAIR on this Saturday, November 23, 2019 (8am to 12pm) on 767 N Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012. More than 10 health and community organizations will join the fair and provide free services to the community, they are AbbVie, AltaMed, Alzheimer's Los Angeles, American Heart Association, Los Angeles County Dept. of Workforce Development, Aging, and Community Services and US Census Bureau etc. We will have free raffle prizes and Thanks Giving Turkeys for the participants!


Come and enjoy FREE Health Screenings for Glucose, Blood Pressure, Hypertension, Bone Density, and Visual Acuity Tests etc. Two FREE educational workshops are first come first served. San Gabriel Retina will host the Diabetes & Eye Health Workshop at 9:15am and Alzheimer's Los Angeles will host the Alzheimer's Workshop at 10:15am. Please find the attached flyer for your information.

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